It's time to get back to the Academy Phantom and get the innde rwing section together.



Before working on the wings, the cockpit module is glued to the front fuselage floor



The wals of the man gear base is next. They are made from five fiddly bits.



The bay walls fit onto the lower wing panel, taking care to get them attached to the correct wing.



The air brake bays drop onto the lower wing just behind the gear bays.



The front of the fuselage needs sanding a little to allow the Alley Cat seamless intakes to fit into place. A quick dry fit shows they should fit. The block at the ends will be removed and replaced with the kit intake fans.



The upper wing panels can be fitted now, with a bunch of pegs used as clamps.



The exhaust surrounds attach to the rear of the fuselage floor.



The Aeries auxilary air intakes are next. They were cut from their mould block. The set also includes replacement doors.



These were attached with superglue.



You don't get to see much from the underside. With the doors on, even less will be visible.



The next job is to get the fuselage together.