Time to get the intaks into the F-4C and fit the wings to the fuselage.



The compressor faces need fitting to the Alley Cat seamless intakes. But I can't find the kit ones. I think I must have pinched them for something else thinking I didn't need them for this. However I do, so I glues some rod to styrene sheet and painted them silver.



The inside of the intakes were sprayed white, then these were serperated and glued to the ends of the intakes. When the glue had dried, they were trimmed to rough shape.



The right intake fitted pretty much straight away but the left needed a little sanding and trimming to get it to fit. I used some PVA glue to attavch the front of the intake into position.



When the PVA was set, I ran some thin superglue around the outer edge.



With the glue set, the endges were sanded.



A little Vallejo Plastic Puty was applied to the seam where needed and left to dry. A test fit of the wing showed no major problems, just a small gap neaer the front of the wing roots.



Happy with the fit, I bit the bullet and glues the areas near the rear which were plastic to plastic.



When the plastic was glues, I slipped the front section into place and glued it in. I decided to test fit the intake splitter plates to check fit. I left the mold blocks in place to ease painting later.



The rear can be fitted next. This is made up of a lower section and smaller upper section.



These glue onto the rear. There is a cap for the parachute door but that will go on later.



I painted the instrument coaming black and attached it to protect the instrument panel.



The next thing will be to finish the wings and get everything ready to paint.